Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Thai Hospital = You're the Doctor!

Okay Grandma, don't get nervous... I wasn't at a hostpital because I was in trouble, I'm 100% healthy. This morning, Tim, Jennifer, Madison, Kate, and I rented motor bikes and cruised the country side on the way up to one of Thailand's biggest waterfalls, a seven-tiered, emerald-hued gusher. The park was about an hour away, so it gave us a good chance to see some more of the countryside before we got to the falls. A few miles from the falls, we reach a steep hill with a curve. I'm in the back of the pack while Jennifer cruises in front of me. As we reach the sharp turn, Jennifer doesn't lean into the turn enough and begins to veer into the opposite lane. As the turn curves, Jennifer smashes dead into an Ambulence (ironic?) speeding opposite down the hill. She gets tossed head over heels while the bike's parts shatter into the air. The crash was bad, really bad, and Jennifer was hurt. But it didn't seem life threatening, and with the ambulence right there, it didn't take long to get her help.

It was very odd replaying this event in my head. It happened 15 feet in front of me, and this girl could have easily died in so may ways. I saw it all, couldn't do anything, yet felt very guilty. Tim and I were supposed to go to the falls yesterday, but our new friends Kate and Madison wanted to go with us, so we waited until today. We met Jennifer on a whim yesterday, and because she wanted to do what we were doing, she was almost killed... think about it.

At the emergency room here in Kanchanaburi you pretty much treat yourself. The doctor asks you what you want to do, the nurses don't do anything, and if you want so much as an ice pack, well, bring your own ice. Jennifer has a bump on her head the size of a tennis ball, and the nurses, cleaning all the cuts around it, aren't too concerned. Thankfully, we walked out with some cuts and scrapes, a bruised shoulder, and a lump on the head. It could have been alot worse. The police car trailing the ambulance that she hit could have been trailing a bit closer, which would have undoubtedly run her over. The rest of the day was spent tending to Jennifer, who was still in pretty bad shape, while also negotiating (yes, negotiating) the damages with the police station. Tim and I were going to head out tomorrow morning, but we'll hang around the next couple days until our biker bad ass gets back on her feet.


  1. Yo maxy ,thats crazy. hope shes okay!

    You should put up a google map of where you are, and so we know geographically where in the country you're traveling.

  2. "Jennifer has a bump on her head the size of a tennis ball"

    Eli makes great catches with his forehead..
