Saturday, April 11, 2009

Making Friends and Making Money

The other week I was sitting at a table on a sidewalk in a small city munching on some delicious street food, when a woman walked by and asked if she could sit down and join me. She ordered food as she ntroduced herself and we started talking. I know it sounds weird to just sit down with someone you don't even know, but in travel-mode it's the customary thing to do. I can't even count how many travel buddies I've made just by walking passed a table and being asked to sit down for a drink, or asking the table next to me if they wanted to sit together. It's really cool to be able to do that and not have to worry about being looked at as nuts.

When I was in Ko Phi Phi Don I worked for a night at this Irish Pub. They needed Westerners to walk around town passing out flyers to promote, so i figured I'd do it. The pay was 300 Baht from 8-12 and free drinks for the night. Thats around $8.50, which doesn't sound like alot, but that's half of what I spend in a day. So that ended up covering my accomodation for the night plus a big dinner. That was the good part... the bad part was that I had to be "that guy" for an entire night. You know, "that guy", the annoying dude outside the bars saying, "Hey ladies come to my place tonight, free drinks, two for one, blah, blah, blah." By the way, I'm never refusing a flyer ever again. I felt really stupid when I offered someone a flyer and they denied me. That sounds dumb, but it's true... It's like,

"Hey man two for one tonight, here's a flyer."
"No thanks."
"Okay, I'll just go fuck myself."

I got denied so much I started passing out flyers to little kids walking down the street with their parents. Atleast they took the freakin' paper.

"Hey little man, half off buckets all night, go get wrecked."

They didn't know what I was saying, but they sure looked happy getting that little piece of paper.

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