Saturday, March 14, 2009

Inside of You

I've been in Thailand for six weeks now, and I have met no more than five Americans since I've been here. There are absolutely no people from the States and I have no idea why. It's mostly British, Australian, and a million Swedes. This statistic ties into this story.

In Ko Phangan, every restaurant played movies and shows from America. One place ran re-runs of the tv show "Friends" all night and day, nothing else. One place played action movies like "Terminator" and "The Day the Earth Stood Still." So it's fun, you hang out with a nice group for a leisurely dinner and watch a movie. Well, this one place we sat down at was playing "Forgetting Sarah Marshall." If you have seen it, you know how funny it is, and if you haven't seen it, well, see it. So the American comedies over here are a funny thing. The Europeans and Thai's, although they love to watch them, don't exactly get them quite like we do.

The movie was at the scene where everyone is at the buffet in Hawaii, and Jonah Hill's character asks Aldous Snow to sing a song for everyone. Aldous gets on stage and sings a song about "being inside" Sarah Marshall. So here I am cracking up at one of the funniest parts of the movie, and everyone else is staring at me then staring back at the screen trying to figure out what is so damn funny. I'm sticking out like a sore thumb and I can't even help it. It was like this all week though. Superbad was playing another night and people sat down the whole movie without laughing once. Come on, when Aldous started doing that little dance were you able to hold in your laugh?

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